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Intimate Partner Homicides – Predictable and Preventable

After a terrible tragedy we often think, “If we could only predict the future we could save lives.” That’s exactly what your support of Fayette Cares is helping to do. Using an innovative approach to intimate partner homicide prevention, Fayette Cares will be working with law enforcement to initiate a Lethality Assessment Program (LAP). Studies show that this program has a 92% accuracy rate of predicting intimate partner homicides, and can save lives.

The Somerville Police Department will be the first partner to implement this evidence based protocol. Officers will learn how to quickly and accurately identify victims at the greatest risk of being killed. High danger victims will then be connected immediately to a Fayette Cares crisis call specialist who will help victims stay safe and connect them to crucial services.

Tennessee is recognized as the 4th worst state for domestic violence. And for every 1 intimate partner homicide there are 8-9 near fatal injuries to victims, bystanders and emergency responders. Together we can envision a future where the cycle of violence is broken and families live free from abuse.

Volunteers are needed to serve as LAP Call Specialists. Training and support will be provided for this very important role. To learn more contact Fayette Cares Executive Director Alexandra Porto at (901) 465-3802 x 221 or submit a volunteer application online at

Click here to view a list of articles from the 2018 Summer Newsletter

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